Friday, October 3, 2008

Handling log files with Cygwin

How to handle log Files with the help of Cygwin?

The following steps are useful to guide that way,

1. Install Cygwin in your pc


2. Download your production log file.

Ex: I am using FileZilla to download log file. If u want to install Filezilla in ur Pc then got this site and get it.


3. After getting the production.log file Paste that one to the follwingpath.

c:\cygwin\ home\SYSTEMNAME\(PASTEHERE) production.log

Handling CYGWIN:

Log file contains ..,

Processing ContentController#browse (for at 2007-08-04 00:09:05) [GET]
Session ID: 326960cad4b49605ba7dcf9c33a9c94e
Parameters: {”action”=>”browse”, “controller”=>”content”}
Rendering within layouts/main
Rendering content/browse
Completed in 0.64700 (1 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.33623 (51%) | DB: 0.19639 (30%) | 200 OK []

Processing UserController#login (for at 2007-08-04 00:09:08) [GET]
Session ID: 326960cad4b49605ba7dcf9c33a9c94e
Parameters: {”action”=>”login”, “controller”=>”user”}
Rendering within layouts/main
Rendering user/login
Completed in 0.03070 (32 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.02847 (92%) | DB: 0.00057 (1%) | 200 OK []

Error Types

200 means — ok

304 means — not modified

401 means — unauthorized

403 means — forbidden

404 means — file not found

500 means — Application error etc..


1. Run cygwin exe

2. all hits with session id

$ grep ‘Session ID:’ production.log

3. unique session g

$ grep ‘Session ID:’ production.log | sort | uniq

4. number of unique sessions

$ grep ‘Session ID:’ production.log | sort | uniq | wc -l

5. usage of session

$ grep ‘Session ID:’ production.log | sort | uniq -c| sort -r

6. get IP info

$ grep ‘Processing’ production.log | cut -d’ ‘ -f4 |sort | uniq -c| sort -r

7. requests per second

$ grep ‘reqs/sec’ production.log | cut -d’ ‘ -f4 |sort | uniq -c| sort -r

$ grep ‘reqs/sec’ production.log | cut -d’ ‘ -f4 |sort | uniq -c| sort -r > speed.txt (Now see ur c:\cygwin\home\pcname\speed.txt file is there. It contains the particular output.)

$ grep ‘reqs/sec’ production.log | cut -d’ ‘ -f4| cut -d’(’ -f2 |sort | uniq -c

8. status errors

$ grep ‘(404 Not Found)’ production.log | wc -l
$ grep ‘(500 Error)’ production.log | wc -l

9. Completed

$ grep ‘Completed’ production.log | cut -d’ ‘ -f17 | cut -d’[' -f2 | cut -d']‘ -f1

$ grep ‘Completed’ p.log | cut -d’ ‘ -f17 | cut -d’[' -f2 | cut -d']‘ -f1 | sort -r | uniq > url.txt

Ya In this way, you will find the status of your product. I think it is very useful to everyone to reduce bugs.



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